Therapy Services


Couples & Family

Relationship Issues

Grief and Loss

Anxiety and Fears

Depression Personal


Parenting Support

Stress Management


Psychotherapy and Counseling for Adults

Dr. Concepción has been treating adult psychiatric/psychological disorders for many years and specializes in mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, panic, and Bipolar disorders. In addition, Dr. Concepción has significant experience in trauma work, substance abuse, addictions, Obsessive Compulsive disorder, and relationship problems. Dr. Concepción provides brief psychotherapy and counseling which can include five to ten sessions, as well as long-term therapy that may be necessary for trauma work or PTSD symptoms. Dr. Concepción has experience in psychodynamic treatment and cognitive behavior therapy, which is highly effective with anxiety and behavioral issues.

Dr. Concepción’s first session with clients includes a full clinical interview that incorporates a psychosocial evaluation to examine many areas of the client’s life. After the initial session, Dr. Concepción and the client determine the frequency of the treatment sessions and communication is maintained with physicians or psychiatrists, if needed, to coordinate treatment. Oftentimes, adults will attempt to treat emotional or psychological difficulties solely with medication. Although, medication is an important part of treatment for some, the research indicates that a combination of medication and therapy is the best form of treatment that shows the highest level of success.

In addition to individual and family therapy, couples and marital counseling, Dr. Concepción also provides psychiatric evaluations. These types of evaluations are normally requested by attorneys, judges, or physicians needing to assess psychological functioning or to differentiate a psychiatric diagnosis.

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